UPDATE: I upgraded with the free license provided for passing my VCP5-DCV.   😉

VMWare has recently released the latest version of Workstation, version 10. The highlights of the updates include:

Enhanced Windows 8.1 Support.  Easy Install now recognizes Windows 8.1 and Unity mode has been enhanced to seamlessly work with Windows 8.1 UI changes.

Performance Improvements.  Virtual  machines now support up to 16 vCPUs, 64GB of memory, 8 TB disks and faster USB connections, a new vSATA controller and twice as many virtual networks.

Tablet Sensors.  Includes the virtual accelerometer, gyroscope, compass and ambient light sensor to enable applications running in a virtual machine to allow a more complete experience when using guest VM’s with tablet features. (Surface Pro /Windows 8)

See the complete release notes.

These features are a fine evolution of what I believe is already the best desktop based virtualization software available. The only feature that actually interests me for my own use is the improved multi monitor support. I have yet to try Workstation 10 because the $119 cost doesn’t personally bring me any added value at this time.

